Freeman's Avocado and Oatmeal Clay Mask Review!

Hello everyone!

Today I bring you a review of one of my skincare staples, Freeman's Avocado and Oatmeal Clay Mask!

I've had this mask for about a year and it still hasn't run out! I use this religiously during the Summer months in my oily areas like my T-zone, on my chin and the tops of my cheeks where my pores get huge when its warm outside.

Here's what my skin looks like when I wake up in the morning:

As you can see I'm dealing with some pretty nasty breakouts and some clogged pores around my nose. The heat mixed with not drinking any water overnight causes my oil production to shift to overdrive when I'm sleeping!

To apply this mask I use a flat foundation brush because they are the perfect size to spread out the product on my face and I just don't use them for makeup! I just squeeze some of the mask onto the brush and spread it out.

Here's what my skin looks like after I wash off my face:

This mask makes my skin cleaner (obviously!) and brighter! It feels so good when I wash it off and see nice bright skin and toned down breakouts!

This mask completely absorbs the oil around my nose, tones down the redness of my breakouts AND leaves my skin super soft!

It also completely dries up new pimples, so that is a bonus!

If I were judging this mask in a talent competition, I would give it a 10/10 because it works so well! Also this product for the price is well worth it! This works just as well as high end skincare but is priced around $4-5!

Okay, those were my thoughts on Freeman's Avocado and Oatmeal Clay Mask! Let me know if you also love this mask and what other masks you are loving! I'm always in search of good skincare!

As always feel free to reach out to me on my social media! ALSO I'm going to have a GIVEAWAY on my Facebook page once it reaches 100 likes, so be sure to go over there and like my page!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and that its not raining where you live because its very dark and gloomy here! :)


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This company has so many makeup brands for an affordable price, including NYX, L.A Girls, Jordana and more!


  1. Freeman masks are so fun and so inexpensive. I like the blue one that makes me look like a smurf, lol. :-)

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Yes and they last forever! Can't go wrong! Ohh I haven't tried a blue one! Gonna have to now haha ❤️
