50 random facts about me!

Hey everyone!

I figure since I'm going to be on this site for the long haul that I would share a few (or 50!) random facts about myself so you can get a better idea about who you're reading about or taking some advice from. This is going to be a long list so let's go!

1.) I am 21 years old
2.) I am a college student
3.) My majors are history and anthropology
4.) I also am working towards completing a minor in psychology
5.) I have 3 pets: a cat, a Pomeranian, and a horse
6.) I have been riding for 2 years (I ride hunt seat, if anyone knows what that means haha)
7.) I am obsessed with nail polish, last time I checked I had about 40 bottles and will continue to buy more
8.) I love the Divergent series, but hated the movie
9.) When I was little and was picked to read out loud, no one could understand me because I talked really fast, probably because I hated reading out loud and just wanted to get it over with
10.) I was born on August 19, 1993
11.) So, summer is my favorite season
12.) I love the beach
13.) I tolerate winter because I love Christmas
14.) I'm a recovering nail biter (if you saw my last post, you already knew that..)
15.) I LOVE to go shopping
16.) I live somewhere on the east coast, southern new england area (not giving specifics)
17.) I've only been to Disney World once in my life, and I don't even remember it (I was one year old)
18.) If a tv network was to make a channel devoted to old Disney and Nickelodeon shows and I had money to burn, I would use it to support that
19.) My biggest fear is heights, like if I am on a high floor in a building and look out the window, I will get light headed
20.) I have a bucket list with over 200 items on it, you could say I'm a dreamer
21.) I am English, Irish, French, Italian and half German
22.) Eyes Lips Face (ELF) is my favorite make up brand
23.) Sally Hansen is my favorite nail polish brand (especially the complete salon manicure line)
24.) I love green tea (especially with honey)
25.) My favorite form of exercise is walking (spring/summer/fall) and the elliptical (winter)
26.) I am staying up until 2 am this whole week because ABC family is playing old Disney shows (in case anyone didn't know!)
27.) I have a really bad sweet tooth
28.) Escalators freak me out
29.) I don't like to "party"; I don't drink or smoke anything. I am a serious homebody, netflix and pajamas are my BFF's.
30.) Everyone mistakes me for a 12 year old because I'm so short
31.) I am 5ft 1 3/4 inches tall (the 3/4 does matter lol)
32.) The toe next to my big toe is way shorter than it should be because I was born prematurely
33.) My astrological sign is a Leo
34.) My favorite food is a custom pizza me and my mom created at our local hole-in-the-wall pizza place (it is a white pizza with extra cheese, tomato, eggplant, onion, olives and spinach)
35.) I have been a vegetarian for about 7 years
36.) My favorite animal is (shockingly) the horse
37.) My first crush happened when I was in first grade at the ripe old age of 6, he was a cute kid, I had very good taste! I unfortunately moved a few months into the school year and never developed the guts to talk to him..biggest regret of my life...(not really)
38.) I make the greatest banana bread in the universe (I might do a post on it!)
39.) I am a serious planner, I make lists and sublists
40.) I am never late to anything and almost always early by at least 15 minutes
41.) My first pet was a fish named Bubbles, very original!
42.) I am deathly afraid of bees and spiders
43.) I still have all my old Disney VHS tapes
44.) I have never been on a plane
45.) I am a major scaredy cat (as if you couldn't tell by now)
46.) I was always a painfully shy child, and now I do like to be around people but afterwards I need to be alone and recharge
47.) I haven't dyed my hair in about a year
48.) The sounds that people make when they chew their food disgusts me, I literally get nauseous
49.) I CANNOT have caffeine it makes me dizzy and makes me feel like I'm having an anxiety attack
50.) I have never seen a double rainbow and I really want to!
*Bonus fact: I am probably the most sarcastic person you will ever meet. I really felt the need to include this..

Okay guys, that was 50 random facts about me! I know it was a lot of weirdness, but hey, we all have a little bit of weird in us. That's what makes us individuals:)


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