My New Years Resolutions!

Good morning everyone!

Actually I don't know if it's morning for all of my readers but here in the U.S it's a bright and sunny (and frigid!) morning, the first of 2015! I figured I would write a stereotypical post and share my New Year's resolutions with all of you so I have someone to hold me responsible when I don't complete them (notice I said when and not if). Okay so here it goes!

1.) This is VERY typical but I want to be more active this year and not let my crazy school schedule get in the way of my workouts. My new idea to keep this resolution is to keep a tally of how many workouts I complete throughout the year, one tally mark for everyday I exercise. So, if I workout everyday in 2015, I will have 365 tally marks. 

1a.) My first resolution has a sub-resolution which is to get back into running

2.) Get my GPA up to where it used to be. I know that college gets more challenging as you get closer to graduating, but my GPA was a 3.5 my freshman year and now its a 3.1 and I am not happy about it...

3.) To get accepted to an internship/fellowship. As I am progressing with my major, it is becoming more important that I seek opportunities that are relevant to what I want to do after college. There is one program that I am so hopeful to get into which is a six week program in AFRICA! I would be working with famous archaeologists and getting school credit for it! If anyone reading this is interested, google "Koobi Fora Field School" it is a program through George Washington University.

4.) Dress more nicely. I am a typical college student who, whenever things get stressful or I didn't get to sleep the night before I revert to wearing jeans, Uggs and my favorite sweatshirt. I'm assuming that this doesn't send a presence of maturity and responsibility to my professors and if I want to get their respect and a recommendation at the end of the semester, I should probably fix the situation and wear pretty looking but still comfortable clothes.

5.) Stop indulging my sweet tooth! This is a serious problem of mine, and it's the main reason why I get off track from eating healthily and losing weight. I have a really hard time having say, a palmful of M&M's. I'll start with a palmful and then have another until I eat the whole bag. This has got to be changed this year!

6.) My last resolution is to be more organized for school and in my bedroom. School is easier to complete, my room however is going to take some work! I think I'm going to buy a bookcase to create more storage and it is a more visually appealing option to what I'm using right now which are ugly plastic storage drawers from walmart.  

Okay so that is what I am going to try to accomplish this year, let me know what you want to try in 2015 down in the comments!

Thanks for reading!



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