My skincare routine!

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend, now stop whatever you are doing and read about how I take care of my skin! Just kidding you can actually read this after you finish what you're doing. This is only my sixth blog post, I don't expect anyone to fangirl over me...yet:) 

Anyway, you didn't come here to read about my blog goals, you want to know about my skincare regimen, so here it goes: 

My skincare routine varies based on what my skin feels like that day so all of the products I'm going to list could be used all together but I usually use them on different days or some in the morning and some at night on the same day.

Face Wash:

The first product I use to remove any make up I'm wearing or if my skin just needs a gentle wash is Dickinson's gentle foaming face wash. This is a wash that really needs to be mixed with water to become foamy, but once it foams up a bit, it really gives a good clean. More often than not (beause I'm very lazy in the morning) I'll just wash my face with this, moisturize, and then put my make up on. Dickinson's gentle face wash is very gentle (like the name says) and doesn't irritate my sensitive/ dry skin at all!
(Btw, I'm sorry that the pics are a little dark, it's snowing outside so there was no natural light)

Face Scrubs: 

I currently have two scrubs that I use interchangibly. Since I don't use scrubs often in the winter, the way I pick which one I will use is by grabbing whichever is closest to the sink at the time, haha! The first one I use is one by the Target brand Up&Up. It is their apricot blackhead scrub. This scrub is good for blackheads and clearing clogged pores. It is also good for breakouts because it has salicylic acid in it.

The second scrub I use is a Christmas present from my brother. He has a friend who recently started an etsy shop for homemade skincare and this scrub in amazing! It is a pumpkin spice sugar and coconut oil scrub. The oil makes my skin feel moisturized after use and the sugar really exfoliates my dry skin, but because I of how my skin is in the winter, I still moisturize after. The girl who makes these skincare products charges $10 for each product but you get a lot of product and it works really well! To keep this mask fresh and at a nice temperature, I store it in the fridge.


Honey Milk Mint Mask

This is also from my brothers friends etsy shop. I apply this with a flat foundation brush that I got from ELF for $1 on damp skin after I use any of the products mentioned above. More often than not, I wash my face with the Dickinson's wash and then apply this. I let it dry until no longer sticky (about 10 minutes) and then I wash it off with a warm washcloth. This mask leaves my face feeling so freaking smooth that it looks flawless after I apply my toner and moisturizer! I also store this mask in the fridge, the cool temp mixed with the mint in the mask makes it har an awesome cooling sensation on my skin.



My aunt works for Jafra cosmetics so the next few products were given to me by her but don't worry she doesn't know I'm writing this, I wasn't asked to or anything. I'm only mentioning them because if I don't my skincare routine would consist of three products which would be weird. From the subtitle, the first product I own from Jafra is a balancing toner. This is great for calming my red blotchy skin after each washing. I apply this between my face wash or mask and moisturizer. So if I were using my Dickinson's wash and mask that day, I would wash my face, apply the mask, wash of the mask, apply the toner and then moisturize. All I do to apply this toner is put some of it on a cotton pad from my local dollar store and wipe it all over my face. Jafra products are a bit pricey but for the quality and quantity, I think they're well worth it. Jafra is also a cruelty free company so that's a bonus got me! The only complication about ordering from them is that you need to use a consultant, but they have a "find a consultant" option on their website if you don't know someone who is, so that makes it a bit easier to make an order.


The moisturizer I use is the Jafra balancing night cream. This is a heavy moisturizer that's perfect for my winter skin. I use this daily but sparingly beause if overused it will clog my pores and leave little bumps on my cheeks. That being said, this cream makes my skin glow, especially is I use my wash, scrub and mask beforehand. Overall this is my perfect skin finisher for my crazy red, dry skin!

Eye Cream

Even though most people don't start using eye cream until they see (literally) a need to, I think it's better to prevent wrinkles than try to kill them once try appear. Since stress takes a toll on a college girls eyes, I decided to take precautions! I just take a small amount f the cream on my ring finger and par in on my undereye area and on the area where crows feet appear because I can't be too careful haha! This cream leave my undereye feeling smooth and moisturized. It also helps with my dark circles.

Okay guys, that was my skincare routine! If you use any products you think I would like or if you just want to leave me a comment feel free! I reply to everyone's comments:)


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