10 Uses for Coconut Oil!

Hello everyone!

I hope you're all doing well and aren't forming an angry mob to come after me for not posting in a while! I HATE not having time to post for you guys but unfortunately school comes first. I cannot wait for summer when I'll have endless time to post content for you guys and play with makeup. I'm done with my junior year in about a month and a half and then I'm a SENIOR! I cannot believe it I still remember freshman year!

Anyways you're not here to hear about my college experience, you're here to read about my uses for coconut oil! I use coconut oil in so many different ways so I thought I would type a post about them!

1.) Makeup remover
Honestly I think any oil will help you remove your makeup, but you can get the most bang for your buck with coconut oil. Where I live I pay around $8 for a 30 ounce jar, I don't think that's a bad deal because a little bit goes a long way! To remove my makeup I take a little bit and rub it between my fingers to melt it (coconut oil is a solid and melts with body heat). I then massage it all over my face and eyes until I feel that my makeup has been broken down. Then I continue with my normal face wash and moisturizer.

2.) Moisturizer (face and body)
During the summer (when my skin is slightly dry to normal) I use coconut oil as my usual face and body moisturizer. I've tried to keep this routine during the winter but my skin gets way to dry and needs something heavier. To use coconut oil as a moisturizer all you need to do is take some from the jar you have and apply it to your skin. I find applying it to your skin and letting it melt and absorb while your rubbing it in is the easiest and least messy way to use it.

3.) Cooking and baking
Many times, I prefer to use coconut oil to grease baking sheets and frying pans instead of any other oil because it has more nutrients for your body. If I'm not using coconut oil, then I'm using olive oil which a WHOLE other post! Anyway coconut oil is also a good substitute for butter in many recipes but just be sure to experiment and see if it will work in your specific recipe before coming back here and yelling at me!

4.) Cuticle care
Like my skin, my cuticles have a rough time during the winter! A neat trick I learned is to cover my hands in coconut oil and sleep with fuzzy socks on them! You could also use moisturizing gloves but I like fuzzy socks better. I also use that trick on my feet to get them ready for sandals! If you don't want to cover your entire hand, you could just put a little bit on your cuticles and rub it in.

5.) Acne treatment
Coconut oil has natural antibacterial properties that work great at treating and preventing acne. This use is kind of mixed with others methods because both taking your makeup off and moisturizing with coconut oil exposes your acne to the antibacterial properties.

6.) Hair masks'
Coconut oil is a great source of moisture for your hair. This is super simple! All you have to do is cover your hair from root to tip, put it up in a bun and either leave it in for at least and hour or sleep with it. Shower as usual after you use this mask. Coconut oil is also a great base for other masks. Pinterest has some great ones!

7.) Health supplement
Many people swear by oil pulling (more info found here http://fashionista.com/2014/03/oil-pulling) but the whole concept grosses me out so I add a teaspoon to my morning tea instead. Ingesting coconut oil is supposed to help digestion, detox your body and help your skin from the inside out!

8.) Face masks
Coconut oil is a great base for face masks like they are for hair masks. I found this website (http://healthmunsta.hubpages.com/hub/Coconut-Oil-Face-Mask-Recipes) from Pinterest and the honey lemon mask is amazing! It helps with both my dry skin and acne scars!

9.) Hair growth
Coconut oil has also been shown to promote hair growth! I don't use it on my head often enough to test that out but that's what I've heard. I've also attempted to grow my brows with coconut oil and it worked pretty well! I'll probably give that another shot and document it for you guys! Let me know if you would like to see that!

10.) Lip balm
Coconut oil, as I've said has some awesome moisturizing qualities that also really help your lips if their chapped or just need some love! It also makes a great base to a lip scrub, just add some brown sugar to a little bit of oil, rub between your lips and your'e good to go!

Okay guys, that's it for my 10 uses for coconut oil! I hope you all enjoyed it!  Comment down below and tell me what your favorite uses for coconut oil are! As always feel free to interact with me through my social media listed on the right side of my blog:)


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